Shen Yun Performing Arts is set to kick off their 2012-13 tour season in Buenos Aires with 8 shows from December 13-21 at the prestigious Teatro Ópera Citi.
Known as South America’s Little Paris, Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires is also Central and South America’s cultural capital. Here, various theatres often run more shows than New York’s Broadway.
On December 10, the largest local newspaper Clarin reported on Shen Yun’s arrival.
"Shen Yun Performing Arts arrived in Buenos Aires yesterday (December 9) from New York, filing neatly out of the airport. They will be performing a week of shows starting this Thursday (December 13) at the Teatro Ópera Citi.”
La Nacion newspaper also reported on Shen Yun. “Shen Yun began in 2006 with a group of overseas Chinese artists who came together in New York with a mission to revive traditional Chinese culture that is lost in China. Since then, Shen Yun Performing Arts has toured major theatres around the world in North America, Asia and Europe. This is Shen Yun’s second time visiting Argentina.”
Tia Zhang, company manager of Shen Yun International Troupe, said that although this is her first time to South America, she’s heard much about the warmth of the people here.
“What’s different from previous tours is that this year, Shen Yun’s very first stop is in Buenos Aires. It’s also our company’s first time performing here, so everyone is very excited,” says Ms. Zhang, “I believe our show will be very well received by the South American audience.”
Shen Yun International Company’s vice company manager, world-renowned tenor Guan Guimin, performed 16 shows in South America three years ago. He said that his deepest impression about the South American audience was, “…”.
阿根廷地處南美,現在正夏日炎炎。神韻國際藝術團副團長、著名男高音歌唱家關貴敏曾在三年前來南美巡演16場,他對南美觀眾的印象深刻:“我還記得上次來的時候在冬季,我們都穿著厚厚的羽絨衣,這一回感受到的是布宜諾斯艾利斯夏季的熱情, 就像這裡的民風一樣,純樸而友善,我相信我們的演出一定會很成功的!”
神韻主要舞蹈演員陳超慧說:“我們到達布宜諾斯艾利斯的頭幾天去遊覽了這裡的大街小巷,很多當地人都好奇的注視著我們,這時我就真希望自己可以講西班牙語,我想他們很難得看到這麼一群亞洲人走在一起吧! 我希望更多的阿根廷人來看我們的演出,因為用語言無法表達的內涵,我們會通過舞蹈和音樂傳遞給大家。”
(Alison: "It's not everyday that you see a bunch of Asians walking around Buenos Aires; that's why the locals are always eyeing us questioningly. If only I could speak Spanish! I hope more Argentinians can come see our show, because what we can't put in words, we can show through our music and dance.")
Jason Zhu: The people here are like the weather here. Cordial, friendly, and warm. Buenos Aires means good air, but that’s not all. The food, the weather, and the people. We should call this place, Buenos everything.
另一位神韻舞蹈演員Jason Zhu則對當地的風土人情讚不絕口:“這裡的人宛如這裡的天氣。熱情、親切、友好。布宜諾斯艾利斯意為好天氣,我覺得不僅如此,這裡的食物、人、氣候,應該叫好的一切(Buenos everything)!”
據悉,神韻國際藝術團在阿根廷的首場演出將於今晚(12月13日)八點半在Teatro Ópera Citi登場,神韻藝術家們期待著與更多的觀眾見面!
December 13, 2012